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Sound & Light Professionals Coalesce Sonic Magic at Technosphere Mumbai with L-Acoustics

“Technosphere was all about turning one of India’s best indoor concert venues i.e. The Dome at NSCI in Mumbai, into a massive world-class night club for one night only!” exclaimed Manish Mavani, Director of Sound & Light Professionals – one of India’s leading comprehensive technical solution providers for live events of all scales and applications – and the company that coalesced the gloriously immersive soundscape for Technosphere.

A revolutionary event in its own right – Technosphere featured a one-of-a-kind production setup with a mesmerizing 360° revolving stage within an industrial wonderland where attendees were engulfed in immersive visuals and interactive installations. The biggest names in Techno music, some local and others from around the globe, graced the stage at Technosphere – with notable names including the likes of Almost Human, Anyasa, Avantika, AXL Stace, Elektraa, Lady Barot, Rabia, Safar and Silver Panda.

The event was not only a feast for the senses for dance music fans; but also, an audio-visual extravaganza that could impress the likes of any world-class performer. State-of-the-art production design, coupled with breathtaking stage detail and impeccably executed technical reinforcement, all came together in a seamless confluence to definitively raise the bar for a truly wholesome audience experience. And the audio amplification, which was undoubtedly one of the most crucial ingredients of the “immersive Technosphere experience”, was taken to new heights with a strategic deployment of globally acclaimed loudspeaker technologies from L Acoustics – meticulously designed and commissioned by team SNL Pro.

Working in close collaboration with organizer’s production crew, team SNL meticulously planned the deployment of the impressive L-Acoustics sound system with the objective of creating a 360° stereo sonic effect that seamlessly complemented the bespoke and breath-taking stage design. And Manish Mavani informed that the audio team were able to devise a comprehensive L-Acoustics system that perfectly met the show’s requirements, as they had worked out the loudspeaker mapping and signal routing well in advance using L-Acoustics’ advanced system mapping software.

He explained that the final audio plan effectively accounted for each of the artists’ individual demands, while also factoring key metrics such as the spread of the audience section, the venue’s dimensions and inherent acoustics, among others – all of which would have a notable impact on the concert’s eventual sonic environment.

Over 36 units of the critically acclaimed K2 line array modules were strategically deployed in an arrangement that featured 6 array hangs of 6 units each, with each array hang inclined precisely to ensure optimal sound coverage and impact for audience members, even those situated at the farthest distances from the stage. Furthermore, each individual line array module within the respective array hangs were meticulously angled to further optimize the overall coverage pattern and ensure truly consistent sound dispersion, while effectively negating any sonic hotspots within the audience area. This strategic move being instituted in order to efficiently encompass both long and wide spans of the venue. Furthermore, the audio team guaranteed thunderously impactful bass resonance throughout the vast audience landscape with a unique subwoofer deployment that witnessed over 24 units of the compact yet extremely powerful SB28 subwoofer surrounding the magnificent 360-degree revolving stage in a some-what gradient pattern.

The thoughtfully orchestrated subwoofer placement not only guaranteed a chest-thumping experience for the audience members located close to the stage, but also assured a similar world-class low-fidelity experience for the far-field audience members as well. And further augmenting the main rig, a total of 12 units of ARCS II loudspeakers which were strategically positioned around the circular stage to serve as front fill reinforcement, while 6 units of KARA loudspeakers were deployed in tandem with 2 units of the compact SB18 subwoofers to comprise the undoubtedly world-class on-stage reinforcement for the artists and performers.

“With complexities being inherent in intricate productions such as this particular concert; effective signal routing becomes paramount to achieving clarity, balance, and coherence in the overall sound output. This is mainly because a robust signal distribution management architecture not only enhances reliability and resilience while mitigating the risk of signal loss or degradation, but also safeguards the integrity of the audio system throughout the production” said Manish, as he explained that team SNL meticulously put together a complex system of world-class signal processors, all of which were strategically positioned to offer unparalleled flexibility in terms of signal routing options and ensure truly seamless signal distribution with a defined backup source.

When all was said and done, there remained no doubt that the Technosphere 2024 experience in Mumbai stood tall as a testament to the magic that’s possible with the seamless confluence of superlative musical talent and world-class technical expertise. And with team SNL Pro’s meticulous planning, advanced technology, and commitment to excellence playing a crucial role in the success of the event; it comes as no surprise that they’ve won acclaim from not just the event organizers but also the artists and audiences that revelled in the glory of the wholesome Technosphere experience.

